PARDL-DD: Days of Discussion on Household Waste Management in Communities

Greeting ceremony at ETD headquarters
February 8, 2018
Greeting ceremony at ETD headquarters
February 28, 2018

As part of the implementation of activities improving the standard of living of the inhabitants and the economy of the territories, support for the management of household wastes were targeted as a serious concern for the inhabitants of the villages of Tohoun (Moyen -Mono), Wahala, Asrama and Kpèlè (Haho). Indeed, despite the efforts of local authorities, the solid waste produced in these villages is transported to uncontrolled landfills, scattered on public roads, or simply kept in front of the houses.

confronted with this situation, which threatens public health, the environment and the socio-economic development of these localities, the implementation team of the Support Program for the Strengthening of Local Participative Democracy for Sustainable Development (PARDL-DD ) organized discussion days with the aim of collecting proposals to set up waste management systems in environments where activities are carried out.

The general goal of this activity is to raise the awareness of the populations of the areas concerned on the management of household waste. As specific goals, it is:

  • Identify with people the causes of the dispersion of garbage in the streets and uncontrolled landfills,
  • Identify with people the potential sites of intermediate and / or final discharges;
  • Identify with people a waste management mechanism adapted to their context.

Thus, on November 10, 2017 and November 14, 2017, the discussion brought together the Wahala and Asrama populations respectively at Wahala community square and at the capital of Asrama township. During these days, the populations of the two cantons were sensitized on the stakes related to the hygiene and the sanitation with a particular emphasis on the management of household waste on a daily basis.

The discussion focused on the causes and consequences of lawless dumpsites on the living environment, the need to find a suitable system for collecting solid waste, the construction of latrines to prevent open defecation source in the cantons and the urgency for local authorities to find sites for intermediate dumps.

Similarly, the land issue for the choice of spaces to be used as landfill, the existence of potential structures that can carry out the activities of collection and / or treatment of garbage were discussed. It was also a question of thinking about the capacity of households to give a financial contribution for garbage removal. At the end of the discussion, it was decided to bring together the neighborhood leaders around the proposals made by the entire population. These days of discussion brought together 156 participants, of whom 34% were women in Wahala and 48% in Asrama.

In addition, the same activity was conducted but with the neighborhood leaders of the city of Tohoun. The discussions focused on the search for business or youth association bearers able to do the collection work in the city. It was also reported that the site of intermediate discharge proposed by the community would be demarcated soon and the work of collection can then begin with a tricycle provided to the community by the National Agency for Development Support Base (ANADEB).

At the end of the discussion, the interviewees stated that the initiative led by ETD and the PARDL-DD is commendable and enables the population and its leaders to become aware of the specific issue of household waste management.


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