Project to sustain the income of small farmers in a sustainable manner and consolidate a marketing network
Reference contract: A-TGO-2016-0369
Total duration: 3 years
Start date – End date: January 2017 – December 2019
Funding: PPLM; ETD
Amount: € 1.243.500 or 815.682.529.5 F CFA francs or USD 1460043
Project manager: ETD
Partners: PPLM
ETD operation area: Regions of Togo and Benin
Target groups: farmer groups organized into cooperatives. 46,000 farmers of whom at least 35% are women and 40% are young.
Human resources involved (location and composition of the project team): 1 General Manager + 1 Director of Operations + 1 Director of Finance + 1 PSE/PES Manager / Training Manager + 13 ETD Togo / Benin Program Managers
Specific goals: 1. Scale up the ESOP approach in order to ensure sustainable access for small farmers to stable and lucrative markets. 2. Improve the small farmers’ income of family farming by integrating them into an operable system of SMEs and VSEs’ while respecting the environment. 3. Strengthen the image of ESOP device and the visibility of ETD activities.
• From existing ESOPs, 10 formalized SMEs in SA and 20 ESOPs in SARL which process 15,000 tons of rice, 15,000 tons of soybeans, and 10,000 tons of other products.
• ESOP turnover increased by 20% per month
• Three agro-ecological techniques are disseminated and adopted by 30% of farmers reached
• Farmers’ yields has increased by at least 30%
• Farmer returns increased by at least 25%
• The ESOP system is discussed with relevant decision-makers and supported in the political arena as a strategy for poverty reduction.
References: Komi ABITOR, CEO of ETD / Tel.: (+228) 22 51 94 81. E-mail: