Training on the reading of budget lines in Eastern Mono

ETD participation at the 7th edition of SIALO
November 2, 2018
On October 30, 2018, the PAMOBARMA project launching workshop was held in the conference room of the Samaritan Hotel in Anié.
November 16, 2018

The Support Program for the Strengthening of Local Participatory Democracy for Sustainable Development in the South-East of the Plateaux Region of Togo (PARDL2D), has provided in its result 2, activity A2.2, support and assist local authorities in the planning and participatory monitoring of budgets. For this, it was planned to train local authorities and representatives of the population on the reading and understanding of budget lines.

It is in this context that a training was held on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 in the deliberation room of the Mono Eastern Council.

The training on the reading of the budget lines was facilitated by ETD local finance consultant, Mrs. Léa BAWE. This training consisted in informing the participants about the notion of local budget through the presentation of the different parts of a budget and the explanation of the related notions.

The aim was therefore to enable the Cantonal Development Committees (CCD) to understand the budget lines and relay them to the community.

The training took place from 8 am to 3 pm and was done by video projections and questions and answers. During this training, the financial situation under the three quarters of activity was presented line by line, for both expenditure and revenue. This presentation of the financial situation constituted the modus operandi of the training.

The participants greatly appreciated this training, which enabled them to be aware of the details of the budget lines and to become familiar with the legal framework. Nevertheless, we note the fatigue of some participants due to the distance traveled.

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