Project to support the Employability and Integration of young people in the Promising Sectors: PAEIJ-SP (ETD/ESOP)
Reference contract: N°00973/2016/ED/MDBAJEJ-PAEIJ-SP/BI/BAD
Total duration: 30 months
Start date – End date: 2017 – 2019
Funding: ADB via MDBAJEJ
Project management: MDBAJEJ
Project manager: ETD (contractor)
Amount: 453,475,000 CFA francs or € 691,278 excluding VAT or USD 811704.584
ETD operation area: Togo
Final beneficiaries and / or target groups: Established small and medium-sized enterprises; young entrepreneurs and young people trained in vocational training centers supported by the project; farmers / breeders; women from rural and vulnerable villages, financial and microfinance institutions and training centers.
Specific goals:
- Support to ESOPs with the required profiles,
- Support to first-time entrepreneurs and farmers throughout the identified agricultural value chains (CVAs),
- Support young graduates in business management to train them in supporting entrepreneurship.
Expected results:
• 6 SMEs structuring (ESOPs), of which 5 established and one under construction on the livestock sector; 720 young entrepreneurs (including 30% women) in various upstream and downstream links; 8,520 farmers / breeders (40% women);
• 100 women from landlocked and vulnerable rural villages around production and/or processing areas;
• 600 young people trained in vocational training centers (PF) supported by the project, of which 40% of women
• 13,500 jobs created in agricultural value chains (farmers, industrialists and distributors) in agricultural value chain support services and in other sectors
• 470 young funding recipients (40% women): 800 agricultural groups receiving funding ( of which 40% are women)
References: ADZOGENU Jacques, Project Manager at ETD; Komi ABITOR, CEO of ETD / Tel.: (+228) 22 51 94 81. E-mail: