Workshop to identify experiences to capitalize on PARDL-DD: Noted on September 27 and 28, 2018

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As part of the implementation of the Program for Supporting the Strengthening of Participatory Local Democracy for Sustainable Development (PARDL-DD) in the south-east of the Plateaux region, held on 27 and 28 September 2018 in the meeting room of the office of the NGO Enterprise Territory and Development (ETD) NGO in Notsé, a workshop to identify the experiments to be capitalized for the year 2018-2019.
Led by the Training and Knowledge Management Officer at ETD, Mr. Atsu SENAME, this workshop was attended by nine (09) project team members including the Decentralization and Local Governance Program Officer.
The workshop started at 09:00 with the presentation of participants, the presentation and validation of the program and a brief reminder of the concept of capitalization made by Mr. Atsu SENAME. According to the facilitator, capitalization is the passage from experience to shareable knowledge. Capitalization can take the form of a guide, a documentary, an article and the writing style depends on the context and the target.
For SENAME, capitalization is essential today for organizations because it avoids or repeats the same mistakes, overcomes the difficulties encountered in the past and innovates actions.
Finally, the facilitator has, on the one hand, specified that the writing of a capitalization document requires a certain sacrifice of time in front of the ordinary activities of the editor on the project on which it is used. On the other hand, he presented the PARDL DD team members with the benefits of capitalization for themselves and for the NGO ETD, namely: (i) the valorization of individual skills, (ii) the optimization of NGO interventions, (iii) support for rapid decision-making, and (iv) support for innovation.
Regarding the identification of the themes to be capitalized, the members of the PARDL DD team identified five topics that are: (i) the functioning and the transfer of knowledge between old and new members of the development committees at the base; (ii) the structuring and organization of territorial communities: the case of the prefectures of Haho, Moyen Mono, East Mono, and Commune de Notsè, (ii) environmental governance for sustainable development of local authorities of Haho, Middle Mono, East Mono, and Commune of Notsè; (iv) support for mobilizing local finances in the prefecture of Moyen Mono and; (v) support for sustainable management of transhumance corridors in the plateaux region: methods and tools (inspired by the Project for Support of Ecosystem Conservation and Biodiversity through agropastoralism PAPEBA 2014 – 2016 )
After the identification of capitalization themes, a “presentation sheet of experiences” was presented by the facilitator and made available to the project team in order to begin the process of capitalizing the selected themes.
The workshop ended with group work for the beginning of the cards and with the consensual definition of a calendar of the next stages of capitalization.
As a reminder, in the context of ETD’s previous projects, some 20 documents were capitalized, shared and disseminated

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