Validation workshop of the prefectural strategy for sustainable development in Est-Mono

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This Thursday, April 05, 2018, a validation workshop of the Prefectural Strategy for Sustainable Development (SPDD) was held in the prefecture of Est-Mono.

Present at the workshop were the representative of the European Union, the PARDL-DD Program Officer representing the CEO of ETD, the Chairman of the Special Delegation and the Est-Mono Council Secretary.

This workshop aimed to:
– present the content of the SPDD document to the representatives of the peoples;
– explain the methodology used to develop the document;
– have the document validated by the representatives of the peoples and the local government;
– strengthen the capacity to mobilize financial resources by donating rolling stock.

The guests were settled at 9:00 am and the ceremony began with the welcome of the Chairman of the Special Delegation.

To proceed with the validation, the SPDD document was screened followed by a reading in plenary. After this reading the working groups were formed to bring together the amendments for the correction of the document in order to finalize it.

More than 56 participants, of whom about ten women have achieved the results expected at the end of this workshop. These results were among others the following:
the document of the SPDD of the prefecture of Est-Mono is validated
 the process of developing the document is presented and understood;
 rolling stock is given to the community
The last point of the expected results was however not effective because of the delay caused by the registration of the rolling stock.

To close the workshop, the Chairman of the Special Delegation thanked the NGO-ETD for its availability and its involvement in the decentralization of the Est-Mono. Even more eloquent, his thanks also went to the European Union for financial and technical support to the prefecture of Est-Mono.

As for the representative of the European Union, she expressed her great satisfaction with the drafting of the Prefectural Strategy for Sustainable Development document and congratulated the prefecture council of Est-Mono and the population for their dedication. She also congratulated ETD for the quality of its support at the community level.

The workshop ended around a friendly lunch.

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