Program : PARDL-DD

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Program : PARDL-DD

Support program for strengthening Local Participatory Democracy for Sustainable Development in the Southeast of the Plateaux Region – PARDL-DD (2016-2019)

 Reference contract: CSO-LA/2016/378-717

Total duration: 3 years
Start date – End date: October 2016 – December 2019
Funding: European Union (67%); Genève Tiers-Monde / Geneva Third-World (23%)

Project management: ETD
Project manager: Local communities and councils of Haho, Moyen-Mono and Est-Mono prefectures and the Urban Commune of Notsè with the support ETD.
Amount: 503.386.649 CFA francs or € 767.408 Excluding VAT or USD 901044.712

Partners: CIDR, Local communities of Haho, Moyen-Mono and Est-Mono and the urban commune of Notsè.

ETD operation area: The urban commune of Notsè and the Prefectures of Haho, Moyen-Mono and Est-Mono.
Target groups: Local communities; Cantonal Development Committees (CDC); Village Development Committees (VDC); Neighborhood Development Committees (NDC); Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
Final beneficiaries: the populations of Haho, Moyen-Mono, Est-Mono prefectures and the Urban Commune of Notsè; women’s groups; youth organizations.
Human resources involved (location and composition of the project team): 1 program officer + 1 project coordinator + 5 territorial animators + 1 project management consultant + 1 local finance advisor + 1 accounting secretary + 1 in charge of KM (Knowledge Management) + 1 driver + 2 guards

Specific goals: Improve the living conditions of inhabitants by promoting local participatory democracy and collaboration between civil society and local government in the implementation of quality activities and services.

Expected results:
R1: The consultative frameworks at different territorial levels are functional, autonomous and guarantee a transparent and sustainable management of public services.
R2: The project management, planning and financial mobilization capacities of the four local communities have been strengthened.
R3: Activities improving the living environment of inhabitants and the economy of the territories are implemented under the control of communities.
R4: A mechanism for capitalizing, monitoring and disseminating the achievements in the field of local democracy and citizen participation is operational.

References: Nougloze Akossiwa, ETD Program Officer. Tel: 93 89 73 74. Email: / N’Sougan Olivier, Project Coordinator. Tel: 98 99 54 34. E-mail:

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